The Breastscreen Initiative is a joint project of the Australian Association of General Practitioners and the Australian General Practice Network, our goal is to have an Australia with breastscreening rates in the 90% range, early detection is paramount to positive outcomes, the women of Australia deserve equitable access to screening services no matter where they reside or their socioeconomic status.


Example News

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Become a TBSI Community Advocate

As a TBSI Community Advocate your role is to work with your General Practitioner or Primary Care provider to contact politicians in your electorate and inform them of The Breastscreen Initiative, who we are, what our proposal to the federal and state governments is and why there needs to be a program that includes General Practice to complement the existing state run Breastscreen programs. 

Our aim is to provide you the materials to base your advocacy on.

You may put in as much time as you like in your advocate position, the role is voluntary and holds no obligation, if you wish to no longer represent TBSI at any point please email Nicole to inform us. We are very grateful for your interest in our project, if you are interested in being a Community Advocate for The BSI please contact us.